
toxic algae bloom

I went for a long walk this evening to my favorite neighborhood park. There's a pond there with lots of ducks and such swimming in the water. Only, for the last few months there's been a toxic algae bloom in the pond. Not quite sure what that means, but it was green and super slimy and there are warning signs all around not to get into contact with the water.

And yet ... the ducks are always still in the water, even with the toxic algae bloom. I guess they can't read the signs! Tonight the warning signs were still up but the water was much clearer and less mucky. There were also lots of water fowl. I watched a mother duck take her little ducklings around for a swim in the shallow end for awhile. And then I saw ....

... the blue heron. I've seen blue heron there before - they like to fish in the pond. That's what he was doing today too - algae bloom or no. I love how the heron is super still, observing his surroundings. Periodically he stretches his neck out ... waits ... stays still ... and then lunges into the water for the little slimy fish that he swallows all at once.

I watched the heron for a good 20 minutes. Cool.


Anonymous said...

I enjoy your work! The algae is, in all probability, the result of too much nitrogen in the pond caused by runoff from fertilizer.

Anonymous said...

Susan, I live across the street from a small man-made lake, and love watching the water fowl.

We have a blue heron (his name is Charlie) who often visits our lake. Charlie and I have similar traits. When we are at home near our little pond, we are quite comfortable, and stick our necks out. But when we get agitated, or need to fly to a new location, our necks retract.

God is not happy when his people are stiff-necked. He much prefers that we "crane" our necks and go for it!