
confessions of a planner

A friend gave me a book store gift card. I went by the store after dinner this evening and bought myself a new mystery (about all my distracted mind can handle these days), a new journal (with the rubber band type thing around it so I can stuff things inside), and a new datebook.

I just filled up the datebook. Lots of people to see and things to do between now and the end of August. I’ve been distracted and my mind has become like a sieve, so writing things down has become very important.

The only thing is … after September 8, I had nothing to write in the datebook. It’s not that my life won’t be filled with different events and activities once Novitiate starts (even if it is “lockdown” as Steph likes to remind me!). But at this point, I have absolutely no idea what/where/when those events and activities will be.

On the one hand that’s hard for this control freak to handle. But on the other hand, it’s extremely liberating. In any case, it will certainly be different for this planner to not be in a position to plan!

I’m headed up to Seattle for Groovy Sister Reserves tomorrow. I’m sure I’ll check in over the weekend.

Peace Out,


Anonymous said...

Mea culpa! The Bible is full of warnings for us planners.

Give us *this day* our daily bread.

Deny self *daily*.

Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit." Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a *vapor* that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.

*Each day* has enough trouble of its own.

*Today* if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart.

*Today* is the day of salvation.

But God said to him, "You fool! *This very night* your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared?"


Talmida said...

Susan, I caught my Beloved at the computer the other day with his monthly missalette -- he'd flipped to the calendar of saints at the back and was entering them all in his electronic daytimer!

You can always fill your date book with those!


Anonymous said...

Oooh, saint feasts is a good suggestion! I was going to say birthdays. There are always a few I forget to transfer before I throw away my old datebook, and then I'm left saying to myself, "I know so-and-so's birthday is sometime in June..." I always feel a sense of accomplishment and stability when I've filled in birthdays and anniversaries, right through the end of the year.