
bilingual book meme

I've been tagged by Estefania. The questions are bilingual (thanks to the aforementioned Estefania), but the answers are not!

Book meme

1. One book that changed your life / Un libro que cambió tu vida

Inner Voice of Love by Henri Nouwen

2.One book that you´ve read more than once / Un libro que has leído más de una vez

All books by Jane Austen (and the Harry Potter books too!)

3. One book you´d want on a desert island

Bible (but which translation?)

4. One book that made you laugh / Un libro que te hizo reír

All of The Series of Unfortunate Events Books by Lemony Snicket

5. One book that made you cry / Un libro que te hizo llorar

Children of God by Mary Doria Russell

6. One book you wish had been written / Un libro que deseas que hubiese sido escrito

The "What Susan Rose Should Do With Her Life" book .... would have made this discernment thing much easier!

7. One book that you wish had never been written / Un libro que deseas que nunca hubiese sido escrito

All books have their audience.

8. One book that you´re currently reading / Un libro que estès leyendo ahora

Acts of Faith by Philip Caputo

9. One book you´ve meaning to read / Un libro que has querido leer

I would say the House of Brede except that I finally read that one. Hmm.... I've been meaning to FINISH A Hidden Wholeness by Parker Palmer.

I'm not a tagger, but if anyone wants to play (in the comments or on your own blog) feel free!


Helga said...

I've been accepted to the novitiate too. I enter September 12, 2006.Congratulations to both of us.

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

Happy to meet another blogging almost novice!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for answering it :)
