
a breath, a hint and a dash means I'm ready

This afternoon as I sat on the lone piece of furniture left in my apartment of 11 years (waiting for its new owner to pick it up) I sat and looked at the walls and breathed a sigh of relief with a hint of wonder and a dash of disbelief that this is all really happening.

Tomorrow I’m driving my car 2 ½ hours north to its new owner and taking the train back to Portland. I’m looking forward to the time to think in the car and on the train.

I’m pretty much done with the frantic busyness of getting ready to run away to the convent. I’ve also said most of my goodbyes (or tearful “see you laters” as I like to think of them). The last ones will be some of the toughest.

But I’m ready. This time Saturday night I will have taken a huge leap on this path to groovy sisterhood. Heck, I’ll be “Sister Susan!” How crazy is that?

I’ll be leaving my Portland life behind and moving into new un-chartered waters. But God’s in the mix, all will be well, and I think I’m up for the adventure.


Anonymous said...


Can you leave us a snail mail address for you in NJ so we could drop you a card or something?

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

Melissa ... send me an e-mail at susan at francois dot org and I will be glad to give you my snail mail address in NJ. I don' really want to post it here for all to see.