
some nuns, a german and no snow

It's predicted to reach 70 degrees today in the NY metro area. Yes, that's right, 70 degrees on January 6th. The NYT tells us that the last time recorded snow fall came so late to Central Park was January 4, 1878. Before the Statue of Liberty was built and before Margaret Anna Cusack, then a Poor Clare Nun in Ireland, even had an inkling to start the Sisters of St Joseph of Peace. (Ok, so that last tidbit wasn't in the NYT article.)

It's only fitting then that last night I gathered with a small group of Catholic social justice types to discuss actions we all can take to combat global warming. We had a good discussion and shared some good ideas: including buying carbon credits to offset our carbon emissions, installing energy efficient light bulbs, and lobbying your local Mayor to sign on to the US Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement. As one would expect, there was some despair that the problem is so overwhelming and the political will so thin to really make a difference. But there was some hope as well.

I was in my element. Back in my prior life - and the hope is once I am a "saving the world" type nun instead of a novice - I spent my most enjoyable hours of the week in meetings like this one organizing people to act for justice. Last night of course I was a participant, not the organizer. But my organizer qualities seeped out (as they're apt to do). It was fun.

One of the funniest bits? The meeting was supposed to start at 7 with a potluck supper. At about 7:15 the host looked around the room and said, "Wouldn't you know it, the only ones to arrive on time are a german and the nuns?".

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