

Someday I might expand my publishing horizons from blog form to book form. Many moons ago I shared a dream I had about writing a hypothetical book with this cover. These days I'm thinking "the book" would be more memoir than vocation guide, but who knows ...

The thing is, if I ever do get to the point of having a book published, by my count I will be the fourth member of my immediate family to be a published author. Or actually that might be fifth. Yes, my bloggy friends, it's true: I come from a family of overachievers (not that there's anything wrong with that!). Let me count the ways ...

  • Big brother Joe is an economics professor with oodles of publishing credits to his name that are all way beyond my comprehension, including at least 4 books. He also has a blog, although I started my blog before him!
  • Big sister Marie is a history professor, whose book entitled A Culture of Everyday Credit: Housekeeping, Pawnbroking, and Governance in Mexico City was recently published.
  • Big sister Monica has her own cross cultural training firm. She's co-author of a textbook and an upcoming guide to global business ethics.
  • My Dad's even gotten into the game (no pun intended), writing the story of how two guys from Iowa saved basketball. Do you remember how the glass behind the basketball hoop used to shatter when they made a slam dunk? Well, my dad was the patent attorney for the little invention that stopped that from happening -an interesting capstone to his illustrious career.
  • And last but not least, my big brother Michael (who is some sort of big shot internet executive) is working behind the scenes, helping to publish and edit my Dad's book. I'm sure he'll join the publishing game sooner or later.
Looking down from heaven, my mom must be very proud of her family. She may have never written a book, but in a way she did by her very life. She taught us all to use our gifts to make the world a better place, and led by example.


Anonymous said...

I will write a book someday. ;) Probably a novel, since I like to make things up.

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

Can't wait to read it!

Although, aren't you working on a screen play??? :)

Judy Vaughan-Sterling said...

What wonderful family achievements! You should GO FOR IT!

In fact, you already have!

Anonymous said...

Susan Rose you continue to inspire me about what the future will hold. I look forward to the power of your gentle voice sharing your journey to vocation.