
punk rock god reprise

Your Punk Band Name Is...

The Potato Skins

This silly blog quiz reminded me of a post I wrote many moons ago with re-vamped lyrics of the Dead Milkmen's song "Punk Rock Girl." It tells my vocation story and in particular God's persistence, sense of humor and "punk rock spirit" in my life. I thought I'd repost the lyrics here - particularly fitting in this time of discerning the next steps of requesting vows. (You can listen to the original on YouTube to get the tune).

“Punk Rock God.”

One Saturday I took a walk along the beach
I heard and felt a call that almost knocked me dead

Punk rock God
Are you sure it’s me?
Punk rock God
What do you see?
We could transform the world
Just you and me punk rock God

God tapped me on the shoulder
And said what do you have to lose?
I shook my head and smiled and said I did not know

Punk rock God
I’ll give you a chance
Punk rock God
But what about romance
I’ll get back to you when I’m 40
Just you and me punk rock God

There I was confused and thinking
I was called to something
But it seemed too crazy, me in religious life
So I continued on life’s journey and did some cool stuff
I got involved at church it was fun and energizing
Peace and social justice work
Then mom died of cancer
Knew there was more to life

God hadn’t forgotten my call and put people in my path
To help me navigate and discern and realize well why not

Punk rock god
Guess I’ll go explore
Punk rock girl
See if there’s a place for me
Where I’ll belong and know
Yeah you're for me punk rock God

I met some groovy sisters
Their call was peace through justice
They lived the gospel values joyfully
I started to make more sense
My call made more sense too
I told God maybe I’d been wrong before why wait till I turn 40?

Decided to apply away we started rollin
I’m so thankful to my punk rock God
For not giving up on me

Punk rock God
It seemed so wild
Punk rock God
You always knew
I’d be at home with them
Just you and me
My very groovy sisters
Just you and me
Working to create a better world
Just you and me
Punk rock God