

I am not a dancer. And yet … I woke up early the first morning of my retreat dancing! Only in my dreams of course, but it was marvelous and wonderful and I was so filled with joy! I could have gotten out of bed then and there except that it was something like 4:30 in the morning and not a civilized hour in this time zone. So I gently and happily went back to sleep, to good dreams that were not quite so memorable.

Later that morning I remembered seeing a dream dictionary in the retreat house bookstore. This is the insight it gave on the meaning of dancing in your dreams:

“A dream about dance evokes movement, freedom, joy and a time of happiness. It also indicates liberation from constraints and a deep connection with your current emotional state.”

That sounds about right!


Katney said...

A dear friend was confined to a wheelchair for nearly all of her life. She confided that she always dreamed she was dancing. When she died, in the midst of our sorrow, we pictured the joy of Grace dancing with the angels.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that it was Joyful Movement as well... you have new 'steps' coming up... I am glad that it was a happy omen!
