
Return of Odd Shots: The Pensive Tomato

While I was on retreat, I followed the progress of some garden tomatoes that had been picked and were ripening in the sun. I took quite a few pictures of them, including this odd shot, as I checked in on them each day. This particular tomato had a lot of personality … I like to think that in this picture he is pondering what it would be like to live in the big white farmhouse.

By the end of the week, I’d gotten quite attached to my friends, the tomatoes. So, imagine my mixed emotions when at the end of the salad bar on Friday night I saw a huge platter of sliced tomatoes with a note … “Grown in our garden.” (By the way … they were quite delicious!)

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Gemma Wiseman said...

Love this perspective! It almost is like a statement: "Tomatoes rule!" Great pic!

Rambling Woods said...

Love the pensive tomato. I remember going to see my God-mother take her vows and how proud we all were, especially my Grandmother.

Sister Juliet, RSCJ said...

Great pic!

Have you heard of the bank Pink Martini? They're from Portland, OR, and they have an album called "Hang On Little Tomato." The song of the same name is one of my favorites. There's a snippet of it here, but no words.

Lyrics are here.

Pink Martini is a great band--a friend took me to a New Year's Eve concert a few years ago and it was a blast.

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

Yes I have heard of Pink Martini. They are great, and basically have rock star status in Portland. My friend went to elementary school with Thomas Lauderdale!

Garpu said...

Rather surrealist shot. :) I seem to have inherited my grandmother's ability to get some sort of body part of mine in a shot when I'm taking a picture.

Katney said...

We haven't been home enough this summer for our tomatoes to get the attention they need. I should go out and check if they have grown despite us.

For some reason that I can't fathom, this phot reminds me of "The Attack fo the Killer Tomatoes." Apparently we watched that movie recently--I asked my husband, but I don't remember it at all.

marine's words said...

love fresh tomatoes! marina