
Letter to the Editor

On Saturday, I read this article in the Seattle Times: "Iraqis suffer fewest deaths since invasion."

And so I sent off this letter to the editor which was just posted on their website.

They're still there

It was good news to read that the number of humans killed in the Iraq war decreased in the month of October. Whatever the cause of this decrease, I think we can all agree that fewer people suffering from violent deaths is a good thing.

I just wish the author had made an attempt to share with the readers the sheer scope of civilian deaths since the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003 ["US deaths in Iraq plunge to wartime low in October," Nation and World, Oct. 31].

It is hard enough for those of us who live safely in this country, far away from the daily reality of war, to imagine the impact of our government's war on the women, men and children of Iraq.

More than 4,000 members of the U.S. military have died during the Iraq war. The Iraqi Health Ministry estimates that 151,000 Iraqi civilians have also died in war-related violence. Other estimates put the number as high as 600,000 to more than 1 million.

I can't help but wonder why we never hear about these numbers. Perhaps the reality would be too much for us to bear?

Please join me in praying for everyone - American, Iraqi or other - who has lost a loved one due to war related violence in Iraq. May peace prevail on earth and all wars cease. Amen.

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