
Chapter of Elections

Last summer I was able to attend our Congregation Chapter. Every 6 years our Sisters & Associates gather to elect new leadership and decide on our goals and direction for the the next 6 years. You can read about the Chapter here...

We didn't actually elect new leadership at our Chapter, because we decided to become One Congregation "Without Provinces." Right now we've got elected leaders at the Congregation level and then in each of the 3 Provinces. We decided to elect 5 leaders across the whole Congregation. Because this was all new, we then suspended our Chapter and decided to call a Chapter of Elections in January.

Well, that's happening right about now! The delegates and nominees are gathering in New Jersey this week for prayer, discussion, discernment and elections. Eight wonderful women have left their names in for leadership - any mix of them would make an amazing team of five to lead us into becoming One Congregation without provinces over the next 6 years, and to help us focus on our Chapter Acts related to growing in non-violence and care of creation.

Please join me this week in praying our Chapter Prayer:

Spirit of God,
you breathed over the waters
and gave light, life and beauty to the earth,
breathe on us now,
drawing us forward to the crossing place,
moving us in hope and trust to that place
where we will encounter you in our Congregation Chapter.
Come with your spirit of wisdom, love and unity;
come with strength and vigour,
with lightness, courage and faith.
Inflame our hearts, enlighten our minds
that our actions, words and decisions
may glorify you and serve your people
with justice and in peace. We ask this in Jesus' name.

1 comment:

Pachyderm said...

It's always exciting when you're facing new directions and God is calling you to new things - but scary too! Will definitely pray for the discernment process for your leadership as it looks as though your whole Order is facing a sea-change.

Robyn tssf