
Seeds of Peace - The Committment

Since I’m here in New Jersey exploring our CSJP Chapter Act Seeds of Peace: Care of Creation & Climate Change, I thought I’d share the text of the act with my bloggy friends. Wednesday I shared the opening quotes from Mother Clare. Friday I shared the Context. Today we get to our Commitment:

We commit ourselves, personally and communally to:

-deepen our spirituality of peace regarding care of creation

-identify and reduce our carbon footprint in our communities, ministries and institutions

-pray, study and act to promote a sustainable lifestyle

-participate in legislative efforts to support the integrity of creation

-stand in solidarity and act in justice with marginalized people whose lives are already affected by the devastation of Earth

-collaborate with others, including interfaith and civic groups, who are addressing climate change

Practical guides for study, prayer and action will be developed and shared throughout the Congregation

Did you catch that last bit? That’s what we’ve been working on this week as a Core Team … how to dig into and explore this Chapter Act—and what it means in terms of our lives together. Turns out the practical guides don't develop themselves! :)

It’s a great experience being part of our Care of Creation Core Team, with women from all geographical areas of our Congregation. The work has just begun!

1 comment:

dmkorman said...

Thanks for your diligence in keeping us advised of such wonderful and inspiring work.

“Religious environmentalism” is a movement that is gathering momentum. Collaboration with similarly minded and motivated individuals and communities conserves energy. Some allies and good suggestions can be found here: http://www.worldwatch.org/node/1765 (including a link to the National Religious Partnership for the Environment- http://www.nrpe.org/).
