
Some random 40 year old thoughts

Here are some random thoughts on the occasion of my 40th birthday.
  • I've been an adult more than half my life
  • Sleep is still good (thank God!), but I wake up earlier than I'd like to
  • I also notice parts of my body (like my joints) that I used to take completely for granted
  • When talking to younger friends and coworkers, I need to realize that sometimes my pop culture references mean nothing to them, except maybe history or a revival of interest
  • I'm solidly in the middle aged crowd in real life, but still young in my nun world
  • I've seen a lot of technology come and go (to various extents).  Just take music.  I remember 8 track tapes.  I used to buy albums on vinyl and then tape them on audio cassette. Then CDs took over the world.  Mix tapes shifted to mix CDs.  Until the advent of MP3s and iTunes killed the record store. Where's the Buggles song about that?
Lest I sound too much like an old fogey telling tales about walking to school uphill, both ways ...
  • I know more than I used to
  • I know that I don't really know much
  • I've got an amazing network of friends & community of all sorts, lots of exciting things on the horizon and a generally happy life
In the gratitude mixed with irony category, back when I used to have those crazy thoughts that maybe someday I might think about a religious vocation, the general conclusion was that maybe I'd look into it when I turned 40.  We all know how that turned out!  God had other plans. Thankfully. In a way I have an 8 year head start with the difficult parts of initial formation behind me.

On this 40th birthday I am so very grateful for the many blessings of my life, the opportunity to learn and grow and share my gifts, the gift of community, family and friends, and in general the gift of life.  Not a bad way to start out my fourth decade of life.

Peace Out
(40 year old) Susan


Unknown said...

Great post Susan! I hope 40 is great for you.

Sueb said...

A most happy blessed birthday to you!