

I realized this evening that in less than one month I am moving to Chicago. Now this is something that has been in the horizon for quite a while. I have been engaged in sorting and purging my belongings in preparation for packing and the move. I trained my replacement at my place of ministry. I have been having some see you later lunches.  But it is still crazy to think that in less than one month I will be getting settled in my new city.

Transitions!!! (Read that to the tune of Fiddler on the Roof's Tradition if you please.) They are an opportunity. To give thanks for what has been and what will come. To deepen and shift relationships with people in your old city as you prepare to build new relationships in the new city. A time to take stock, to reflect on your priorities and plan life in your new city around them. To take each day as it comes, to go lightly and to be open to what will come.  What is nice about this transition is that I already know some of the folks who will be part of my life in my new city, including at least one neighbor/classmate, some friends and family! Regular play dates with my pint size nephew are in my immediate future.

I also know that transitions can be stressful so I am trying to go gently into this one. We shall see how it goes!


Anonymous said...

It's a wonderful city with lots of nice people. Looking forward to your posting from Chicago.
Welcome to Home Sweet Home Chicago!

Kelly_SSJ said...

transitions!!! they are a part of our life! Transitions!!!!! um..yeah...probably need Tevye to sing it! ;) see in in the windy city..hopefully we can meet in person sometime while i'm there.