
Messages from My Outlook

Back at work this morning. Feeling much better except for the pesky fact that I can't breathe! Just took some decongestant though so I'm hoping that will get better.

I was trying to send a simple one line response through my e-mail program (Microsoft Outlook), but I got a message that my mailbox was full. So I erased some more messages, emptied my trash, and tried to send it again. Mailbox was still full. I went through this routine 4 times before I was able to send my message!!!!

Oddly enough, I got a "message" from this. A message I've been getting from several sources lately. I know that I need to keep plugging away on deleting some of my own "trash." In the literal sense I need to simplify my life and get rid of lots of junk. Our parish rummage sale should help with that! I also need to keep plugging away on my debt repayment so that I can one day enter novitiate. Which means I need to keep plugging away at my current job. Working through the piles, tackling the messy projects. And there's probably some emotional baggage I need to work through as well. All of this combined will empty out my mailbox enough that I'm able one day to respond to that message from God.

In a weird way, this exercise this morning with my Outlook Mailbox was reassuring. It is possible, it just takes some time and some work. But I know it will be worth it! So I continue to pray for patience, perspective, and wisdom on this journey.

(And thanks to all who've been keeping me in your prayers!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well put. I've been working on this for a few months now, both in terms of stuff and also lifestyle and interests. It's amazing how much debris can build up in just a few years. There are layers and layers of it, and it takes alot of work before the pile starts to look a little smaller. But like you say, we have to make room for inspiration. We have to exhale before we can inhale!