
Susan Rose ... the interview

Kat at Finding God in All Things was kind enough to send me some interview questions. Perfect timing as I was looking for an excuse to procrastinate working on my groovy sister autobiography. If you’d like me to send YOU some questions that you can answer on your blog, see the instructions below.

And now … let’s learn a little bit about me:

1) Have you ever had a moment of Deja Vu? Details.
I know I have, but I honestly can’t think of any at the moment. Although didn’t I just complete this interview?

2) Did you ever "play nun" as a kid?
Only when I’d just washed my hair and had it wrapped in a towel. I’d do a special nun look before I whipped it up into a turban like thing. I do distinctly remember two occasions where I "played priest" though! Shh … don’t tell the vatican. Once I gave my friend Nancy ashes from the fire place like it was Ash Wednesday. The other time I was standing at this tall table we had pretending it was an altar, saying mass. Mostly though I just played wonder woman.

3) Favorite Movie/series of all time ASIDE from Star Wars.
It’s a tie between the A&E version of Pride & Prejudice (which I’m counting as a mini-series) and the movie version of Clue. Whenever I’m in a mood I know that one of the two will take my mind off things. The only trick is figuring out if I’m in a Colin Firth kind of mood (yes even Sisters-to-be can think he’s hot!) or if I want to laugh and laugh and laugh.

4) What one book would you take with you if you Knew you were going to be stranded on an Island.
Ok you probably expected this answer but it’s true. The Bible. Because it’s long … it would keep me occupied. Because it’s entertaining … come on, there’s some funny stuff in there, not to mention drama and intrigue. Because it’s the word of God … I might be stranded on the Island, but it would remind me that I’m not really alone. And every time I read I get something else out of it. But which translation?

5) If you could live anywhere (time and place) where would it be? why?
This is a hard one. I love the Pacific Northwest and hope stay here. Beautiful green trees. Early spring. Blue skies and no humidity in the summer. Mild winters with a gentle mist of rain to keep you company. But I’ve always wanted to live in Ireland. The Irish are such good people .. the salt of the earth. Plus where else can you listen to Gaelic on the radio? As for time I’ve learned from many books and sci-fi flicks that time travel is dangerous. I’ll stay I my own time period thanks very much.

And now….

The promised instructions: as I understand it the way this works is the first person (or two or three if more folks want to play) who requests an interview gets a set of five questions from me. You answer them and post those answers on your little corner of the internet. Then I link your post answering my questions. Anyone want to play?

Updated 6.25.05

Check out Lorem Ipsum's answers to my questsions on Life is Sweet, Baby. She did such a nice job!!! I especially loved the image of an adolescent Jesus saying to Joseph, "You're not my real Dad!". Made me smile..... And probably happened on more than one occassion. Fully human and all...


~pen~ said...

great answers, susan :)

which translation? it took me over 7 months to find it, but it was the New American Bible, printed and published in 1970 by Oxford Publishing. it reads much more poetically than the newer standard NAB (i always looked at Psalm 6: in most translations it says, "for my bones are trembling..." in the one my heart sought for months, it said, "for i am languishing..." how much more poetic is that??)

that would be my choice, but it's a coffee-table bible. need a big napsack for the island :)

lorem ipsum said...

*waving hand*

I'll play!

I think I'd want the originals - Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew. Might as well figure out a few new languages while at it!

lorem ipsum said...
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Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

lorem ipsum - I'll try to come up with some questions and e-mail them over the weekend! Thanks for playing :)