
my hp ministry profile

Revgalblogpals has a post on a post from Rebel Without A Pew.

To catch up for you non-HP fans out there, in Harry Potter each incoming student is sorted into a school house by a sorting hat. I've always thought this would be helpful when discerning religious communities as well! Anyway, eons ago I took an online sorting quiz and was sorted into Gryffindor.

Well, Rebel Without a Pew has developed ministry profiles based on the 4 HP houses. I must say, the Gryffindor profiles is spot on for this groovy sister to be.

Gryffindor: You are attracted to the ministry because it offers a context for your need to be involved in a heroic quest: Defending the Truth, Working for Justice, Spreading the Gospel; Building God's Kingdom. You are willing to take a stand, be part of an embattled minority, sacrifice everything for The Cause. Your ministry is inspiring. As a charismatic leader you can motivate your people to great undertakings. However, you are easily dillusioned with the petty realities that inevitably crop up in congregational and denominational life. The day-to-day routine of running a church can make you tired and frustrated. You have absolutely no patience with church politics or polity and can become enraged when you run smack into it while on your quest for Truth and Justice. Alternate careers: missionary, non-profit founder, social work.

PS - I got my revgalblog pal t-shirt in the mail yesterday!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

He he...this is cool. I particularly like how those in Gryffindor have no patience for church politics. RWAP got it right on!

Though, wonder what the Holy Father would think of this as he's not much of a HP fan I hear. ;)

Hope you're weekend is great!!!