
busted halo cast

Busted Halo (the Paulist Fathers' Young Adult Ministry) is experimenting with "pod casting." You can check it out here.

I'm not too familiar with podcasting, but the concept I think is that you can subscribe or download to your ipod or other mp3 player. But you can also just listen to it online with your media player. So it's essentially a spiritual version of public radio for young adults available on demand. Interesting concept.

My friend Paulist Father Rick Walsh is featured on the first 2 pod casts. Taking a page from Garrison Keillor's "Writers Almanac," Fr. Rick gives us "Day by Day, Your Spiritual Almanac." In the first pod cast he tells us about Dorothy Day & CS Lewis. St Nick is featured in the second pod cast. Worth a listen, and not just because he's my friend :).

Oh yeah, there's also an interview with Jimmy Carter, Papal Infallibility explained and more to come I'm sure.

Now that I understand how it works (sort of) I'll be sure to tune in to future Busted Halo Casts.


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