
all creation lives to hold you

Living in the insanely beautiful Pacific Northwest, I get to see how much fun God must have had creating the world. I've written here before about how when I'm at the Oregon Coast, for example, or walking in a rain forest, God is SO present to me. Those are the places where God breaks through.

Which is why it's also interesting to note this is the least religious region of the Country. The largest "religious group" in Oregon is agnostics/atheists (if you lump them together, which isn't really fair).

Busted Halo has an interesting article about a parish that attempts to draw the connection between belief in God and God's creation. And, as it so happens, it's my little old Paulist parish they're writing about!

Makes me think of the hymn, God Beyond All Names by Bernadette Farrell
God, beyond all words, all creation tells your story, you have shaken with our laughter, you have trembled with our tears. All around us, we have known you;
all creation lives to hold you, In our living and our dying we are bringing you
to birth.



Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm....a Paulist media outlet writing a praising article about a Paulist parish.

They better be careful, Oprah may get on their case about that.

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

I see your point, but I also know that it is an amazing place and so much of what happens there was of God and the Spirit working through the lay community.

In general I think they do a good god of writing about a wide spectrum of the church. Doesn't make sense for them to NOT write about something so cool just because we're Paulists.

In any case, it's a story that deserves to be told.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you know that I'm teasing, Susan. I think it's a great parish, too, and I enjoy Busted Halo.

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

Of course I know you're teasing.

But it was something I thought about before linking to it as well. In the end, I decided to go for the shameless self promotion! :)