On days like today when I need that extra little "oomph" to make it through the battles of daily life, I like to wear the beautiful Columbian silver bracelet. It reminds me of my mom and it gives me a gentle reminder that I have a source of the inner strength, peace and grace that I need to make it through. And no, it doesn't come from the magic powers of my wonder woman bracelet, but from the source of all being. The bracelet just serves as a touch stone.
Today I'm wearing the bracelet not just for me, but for my friend S who is traveling to visit his brother who is ill with cancer, for M who is in a far off land asking his love to marry him, for little Gigi's parents who continue to face the harsh reality of a very sick child. May God be present to us all, and may we be present to God.
Now if I just had my own invisible jet!
Those treasures are priceless!
Hey Susan, since when i am not apart of the Sister Bloggers??? Evidently my blog isn't on the site anymore and I am not a mod is posting about the ring. What happened?? I still want to be apart of it!!! email me on it!!!
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