
Faith Can Move Mountains

Check out this video from the folks at Vote the Common Good.

I generally avoid talking about politics here. As a very political person and former elections officer, I suppose that it is kind of odd. But then again, as a former elections officer I suppose I am more concerned that people VOTE than interested in putting my particular slant on things. You can probably guess what my particular slant is anyway.

In any case, I'm sick of negative politicking. I don't think it's healthy - for me - to pay close attention to the constant he said/she said, especially when as far as I can tell it has nothing to do with public policy for the common good.

So instead, I'm staying informed on the issues and visualizing the person I think should be president being sworn in on January 20th. I'm betting that in the grand scheme of things, positive energy will be more helpful than negative energy.

Whatever your political persuasion, if you are a US Citizen and of voting age (and hopefully registered!), don't forget to vote on November 4!

This has not been a political advertisement, and I approve of this message! :)


Sr.Nicole Trahan said...

Thanks for this post! I, too, have stayed away from posting on politics... even though I'm a political person and we discuss politics in our community several times a week...One of our sisters is giving the invocation at a rally this weekend.

I continue to pray for you in your preparation for vows. May be it be a time of peace and joy.

Garpu said...

That is a good video. I finally broke down and posted about the election the other day, but I'd reached my limit. I get so tired of people on the extreme saying things like Catholics can't even vote in this election, because neither candidate is anti-abortion. Those types never deal with poverty, or any of the other issues that go into it. And you *really* don't want to get me going about "pro-life" people, who support the death penalty. I guess they pick and choose what to listen to from the bishops, just like the rest of us.