
RE Congress

Tomorrow evening I'm flying down to Southern California to attend my first LA Religious Ed Congress. It's hard to imagine 40,000 Catholic folks in one place for prayer, presentations and conversation. I'm really looking forward to it.

Three of us in temporary vows are sharing the experience (and a room) as part of our formation program. I've got plans to see my brother who lives not to far away and to catch up with various friends who are also attending RE Congress. If you'll be there and I don't already know that, leave a comment on the blog or Facebook and we can see if we can find each other in the sea of 40,000 folks!

I've got my tickets and am excited about the lineup of speakers I'll get to hear, including Ron Rolheiser, Greg Boyle, John Allen, and Paul Coutinho.

I'll be there for St. Joseph's Day ... a great way to celebrate the Feast!


Melissa said...

Susan, I hope you have a wonderful time! I've heard that this event is quite good, and the speakers sound great.

Take care,

Kat said...

I went a couple of years ago. It was great. I enjoyed being able to hear many different people talk on different aspects of the Catholic faith. I think you will really like it.