
Life Lessons

Sometimes life gets more complicated than we were planning on. Anyone who has dealt with an unexpected crisis know what I am talking about, whether it is an unexpected lay off, an extreme weather event, or even war. Just think about all those people in Syria or Afghanistan who went to work or school one day and ended up in the middle of a war zone instead. Just imagine how their lives and plans have been turned upside down.

More common I suppose are sudden illnesses and medical situations. Each of us has loved ones who are getting older, for example, and that is an unpredictable process. As tough as it is for the person facing the situation, it also can put a wrench in the plans of the loved one. But it can also help us refocus on what is truly important in life. It can reconnect us with family and help us put our very independent and important lives in perspective. We might realize that we can't do everything for example. We might ask for help when otherwise we are very independent thank you very much. We might have to slow down and focus on what is in front of us rather than everything that "needs" to get done.

My family has had our own share of these moments. Growing up I helped my mother care for her parents from middle school through high school.  Ten years ago my mom herself passed away after a three year struggle with cancer. And my dad has faced a variety of medical challenges in the decade since. My siblings and I have done our best to be supportive from a distance. It is not easy but it also a key part of being human.

I do not want to go into any details here (privacy and all) but my dad is in the midst of another one of those moments, which means my four older siblings and I are also in the midst of one of those tough times. Please keep us, and all families supporting a loved one through tough times, in your prayers.


1 comment:

Work Email said...

Sister Susan Rose,
Keeping you, your family and your dad in my prayers . . .