
Stop, sit and be

Yesterday evening I went for a walk in my favorite neighborhood park. It had been a busy day and I was tired, but I felt a pull to go for a walk. So glad I listened! I meandered the few blocks over to the park. Saw families. Lone joggers. Couples walking their dogs. Young men playing Ultimate Frisbee. I turned the corner and found MY SPOT, the other spot with my name on it. There's a park bench at the corner of the little lake in the park where I like to sit and be still with God. So there I went. I sat down. Settled myself, and looked out expecting to see the usual assortment of ducks. But this time when I looked out I saw …

… a BLUE HERON!!! Right there across the lake from me. Perched on a fallen branch. He was certainly being still. He almost looked like a statue. I was mesmerized. Around me the joggers, walkers and families at play continued, oblivious to the wonder in their midst. I'm not sure how long I stayed there watching my friend the Heron. 15 or 20 minutes maybe. And then there was a loud clang. Some boys had spotted the Heron and decided to scare him. My friend the Heron looked startled for a minute, then spread his wings and soared across the lake. My eyes followed him as he found a secluded spot, safe away from the boys, in the little island in the middle of the small lake.

So glad I listened to the voice that told me to take that walk. So glad I happened upon my friend the Heron. A blessing really, and a reminder that sometimes all you need to do is stop, sit and be…… And if your moment is disturbed by silly young boys, no need to be anxious. Get up, dust yourself off, and keep on being who you are.


Anonymous said...

"a secluded spot, safe away from the boys"

Sounds like a nunnery to me! ;)

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...


That is too funny and not at all what I meant! Hmmmm.... maybe there's something working on the subconcious level there ;-)

Steve Bogner said...

I had a 'bird experience' yesterday too, only I couldn't sit still and it walked away. Working away in my home office, I looked up and saw a wild turkey in the front yard - which is rare around here. Excited, I got up and went to get the camera; he noticed movement, and walked off before I could get a good shot...

Sit still and be....

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