
Inaugaration Day Prayer

I have fond memories of Inauguration Days past, even if I wasn't always so fond of who was being inaugarated. As a child, I was a political junkie in a house of political junkies. Plus, I grew up in the D.C. suburbs and it seemed we were always off school on this day. Put those factors together and it was always something to watch - (on tv, from the comfort of my warm home).

Today is of course a special inauguration day. Rather than give any commentary on this day, I offer a repeat of my post-election day prayer.

(Adapted from Prayers for a Privileged People by Water Brueggemann)

You Creator God
who has ordered us
in families and communities
in clans and tribes
in states and nations.

You creator God
who enact your governance
in ways overt and
in ways hidden.
You exercise your will for
peace and for justice and for freedom.

We give you thanks for the peaceable order of
our nation and for the chance of choosing--
all the manipulative money notwithstanding.

We pray now for new governance
that your will and purpose may prevail,
that our leaders may have sense
of justice and goodness,
that we as citizens may care about the
public face of your purpose.

(and I add to this prayer....)

Watch over our new president--
keep him safe and sound.
Watch over our proud and diverse citizenry,
heal our divisions and
grant us whatever it is that we need to
truly become
that more perfect union long promised
and often wished for.

May peace prevail
in our homes, our nation, our world.
May all your children grow in awareness
that we are one.
May neighbor watch over neighbor.
May your kindom come.


Garpu said...

THis was the first one I've actually watched. The past two inaugurations were too painful, and the ones before then I couldn't care. I think if anything good came from Dubya, it's that I care about politics now.

claire bangasser said...

I particularly like the bit you added to the prayer :-)